Sorry for not updating in a while. my computer or more specifically my internet browser was acting up and freezing on me anytime I tried loading a page that had flash on it. weird, but more weird is how it seemed to have fixed itself. Hm.
Well, to make up for that, here's the superheroine known as Ice aka Tora Olafsdotter, the kind sweethearted princess of a mystic tribe of Norsemen.

I finally got around to giving her a background. It had started as a simple full face portrait and I felt it needed more. I know it's a bit too center, but I don't mind it for some reason. That iceberg was surprisingly difficult. Half of it looked just like the reference photo, but i couldn't quite get the other half just as accurately and so the result is this odd iceberg with deep trenches/cuts on one side. The snow was thankfully easy as was the sky. The water was easy too and after I added several filters I was done. I ended up editing her figure afterwards. It had been months since I had first drawn and colored it and I had found many anatomical and coloring mistakes that I was able to fix. It's still not perfect, but she's a bit healthier looking now. lol. XD Eh, it's a learning process.
Till the next pic!