–noun, plural -fries.
1. | a bell tower, either attached to a church or other building or standing apart. |
2. | the part of a steeple or other structure in which a bell is hung. |
3. | a frame of timberwork that holds or encloses a bell. |
4. | Slang. head; mind: a belfry full of curious notions. |
5. | have bats in one's belfry. . | I get it.

So yeah, here's a really really old picture. This was drawn...WAY over a year ago on Open Canvas (hence why it's purple). I think this was one of my first Batman fanarts. I had always drawn anime fanart, so I was having a shot at drawing a more Americanized style. I can't remember what it was that tickled my fancy and made me decide to draw them...
If you can't identify them, Going clock-wise...Jason Todd (Red Hood), Tim Drake (Robin), Cass Cain (Batgirl), and Dick Grayson (Nightwing)....all unmasked and looking rather chipper (except cass) for some reason. I was mostly practicing trying to draw them differently. I'm happy with Tim, but Jason and Dick do look like brothers. Cass, I'm happy with. This is my Cass Cain. Solemn, but young, pretty but unpolished. I think I had planned to draw Batman in there too, but never came around to it. Oh well, I like this better.